Okay, so this is my very first post on blogspot and I have no clue how this works to be honest (I had the same problem with tumblr, so maybe I'll figure it out someday).
This weeks weather has been incredibly beautiful and yes I know it's really lame to talk about the weather, but it's winter and it's cold, so I'm really happy about the weather now. It already feels like spring here! I mean it's not too warm, but it's okay and the sun shines and I see blossoms everywhere.
On thursdays my friend Katie and I always hang out in the city, drink coffee and talk about nice things, unrelated to school.
I don't know why it's extremely blurred. |
So you may have figured it out, that this weird girl in the picture is me. I really like books, especially poetry, indie/punk/rock music, fashion and cigarettes, these are also the reasons why I never have any money left. That's it basically.
(My name is Hannah by the way) xx
Make sure to follow me on instagram